Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as Mytoxin Plasmolift or the ‘Vampire Facelift’ uses the body’s own natural healing powers to slow and even reverse the ageing process.
The treatment involves harvesting platelets from the patient’s own blood in order to re-introduce them into problem skin areas. Platelets contain a high concentration of ‘growth factors’, proteins that help to heal injured tissue and damaged skin.
Upon re-introduction the platelets release their growth factors which trigger surrounding cells to proliferate, stimulating the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself in the targeted area.
How does it work?
When the platelet rich plasma is injected into the skin, the platelets release their growth factors. The platelets in the plasma send out signals to other cells in the area, telling them to rush forward to the injection site. One of cells stimulated during the process is the fibroblast cell, which is the cell type that creates collagen. Collagen is what gives skin a youthful appearance. As we age, collagen is produced less and less, causing wrinkles and fine lines in the skin, and so treatments like PRP therapy that stimulate collagen production can counteract this.
What can Platelet Rich Therapy treat?
PRP Therapy can be used to treat numerous cosmetic problems, such as fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth, crow’s feet around the eyes and ageing cheeks and décolletage. PRP therapy can also be used to improve the appearance of dehydrated or mildly sagging skin on the backs of the hands, tops of the feet, elbows, knees and also stretch marks. It can be used all over the body.
What happens during a PRP treatment?
During your first visit you should explain what you expect from PRP Therapy and how you would like to look afterwards, our practitioner will take your medical history to make sure that there are no reasons why you shouldn’t have the treatment. Photographs may also be taken by the practitioner for a “before and after” comparison of the treatment.
The practitioner will draw 2-3 vials of blood, depending on the areas to be treated. This is done in a similar way to when you have blood taken for testing at the doctors. The blood will then be spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelet plasma from the red blood cells.
Any make-up on the skin will be removed and antiseptic will be applied to the area. A topical anaesthetic cream will also be applied to the skin. The PRP will then be injected into the skin in specific areas using a very fine needle followed by a general all over application using a derma pen. You will then be free to leave and go about your daily business. The whole procedure usually takes an hour.
It may take a few weeks for the results of the PRP therapy to become visible, but with two to three top-up treatments, you can expect the results to last for up to one and a half years.
What is the recovery time?
Recovery time is minimal with PRP Therapy. The skin is usually red for 12-24 hours much like sunburn, and the client may experience a dryness and mild flakiness to the skin during the following week.
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Anew Aesthetics
3a Southam Road
CV22 6NL